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Our preferred robot is back! Someone has set him again to walking mode, so that he is going, and going, and again going, straight forward, with no way to avoid the dangers around him. Again, he needs your help. For that purpose, click the interactive items in the image, that you identify by the changing pointer. But take care! Like in previous episode 1, there are two major difficulties: First, the objects to be used become interactive first when Frank arrives close to these... The solution for each danger is then to be searched around him. In addition, there are several ways possible but only one allows him to reach the top safely. Friendly advise: If you find no way to protect from a given danger, it means that you have to go via another route. Finally, take care of the lifts that are quite slow! When you need to use one, that is at a level far from there where Frank is, think about to call it early enough. This is no problem because they are always interactive... You have several lives allowing you to test everything and practice the timing, so, good luck!

Žaidimo žymos:
Frank, Adventure, 2